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Availability of feature may vary by country or region. Drag and drop feature requires the latest Microsoft Office app, minimum version sixteen point zero point one five three three zero point two zero two zero four or above. Certain applications may not support multitasking. The Excel sheet data shows numbers from the Fibonacci Sequence. Next, he drags an image of the Vitruvian Man from an Excel sheet to a PowerPoint slide with his finger. S Pen Fold Edition sold separately and is only compatible with Z Fold4 and Z Fold3. He draws a diagram resembling the cake on the plate on the Notes app with the S Pen Fold Edition. Next, an overhead view of the screen shows the Gallery app and the Samsung Notes app are open together on one screen. Next, an overhead view of the screen reveals that he is referencing a photo of a square cake on a round plate. He sits and opens the device to the Main Screen. The artist grabs a Graygreen Galaxy Z Fold4 from the table behind him. Next, it can be seen that the canvas was blank. Galaxy Z Fold4: Official Launch Film Play buttonĪ man dressed in European Renaissance period clothing points a paint brush at a canvas. They settle next to each other, one seen at an angle from the partially unfolded Main Screen and the other turned on its corner and showing its front cover. The open device snaps shut and the one in the rear opens into Flex mode. As it spins around, another folded Bora Purple Galaxy Z Flip4 is seen behind it. Next, an unfolded Bora Purple Galaxy Z Flip4 is seen from the Main Screen. Flex mode supported at angles between 75 degrees and 115 degrees. Then, a closer shot of the device with the cat’s selfie still onscreen being folded and picked up from the floor. The three animals look shocked that they were caught. Next, the phone’s owner returns to retrieve the phone. The cat turns to the two dogs sitting behind the cat.

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It taps the control buttons on the lower part of the screen and snaps pictures. The cat looks at itself through the selfie camera onscreen.

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It tumbles to the ground and the cat observes it from the floor, still open in Flex mode.

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The cat gets up and approaches the Galaxy Z Flip4 and immediately swats it off the table. The device remains on the table with the Camera app open in Flex mode as the friends leave. Again, the cat watches with astonished eyes as they take photos. This time, the photo is taken with the Rear Camera and the photo preview is seen on the Cover Screen. Then, the group of friends poses for another picture from a lower angle.

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Next, the device is seen from the Main Screen again to show the picture that was taken. The device is sitting on a coffee table in front of the friends sitting on a couch with the Main Screen facing them. Next, the group of friends smile for the shot. On the preview screen, a group of people are getting ready to take a picture together. Next, the device is unfolded into Flex mode, where the camera app is running. Galaxy Z Flip4: Official Launch Film Play buttonĪn overhead shot of a folded Galaxy Z Flip4 in Bora Purple seen from the hinge being pulled out of a purse.

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